DVD Chapters
01:34 The Tragedy of Commons
04:47 This wonderful metaphor about fishes and loaves
05:37 If you share knowledge & information, you will have more
when you finish than you had when you started
09:00 The presumption of the law is that all physical assets have an owner
09:51 Patent or copyright or trade secret is not a rule, it is an exception
11:54 Thesis
15:02 We may have to change institutions that we use to govern ourselves
as well as underlying rules
15:23 Examples
30:46 How many of you ever watched reality TV?
50:12 We recognized in our most fundamental document of our government,
two hundred years ago, that we want people to be connected
53:52 I don't trust Microsoft or Federal Government having too much
information about me
54:49 The notion that everything we communicate is just bits of ones
and zeros ... and having the legal system to understand that …
is a big unresolved problem …
Total time 56:55