F R I D A Y ,  S E P T E M B E R  2 4 ,   2 0 0 4


KEVIN SWITALA               
Director, GEODECISION, A Division of Gannett Fleming, Philadelphia, PA

As the Geographic Information System Industry matures, the 'System' in GIS becomes more distributed.  This has been directly influenced by thegrowth of the Internet and web-based technologies, including web services.  Web services have grown out of a natural evolution and symbiotic relationship between the Internet and GIS.  Web Services are the future of distributed government and private industry business process management.  Web services provide the means for local governments and private industries to leverage at a very low cost the wealth of pre-existing data and application modules that reside on the Web.  This strategy makes government and industry more flexible and cost-effective by avoiding the costly process of building data and customized desktop applications.  Web Services can be utilized by various clients including PDA's, desktop GIS software and web-deployed applications. 

The first section of this presentation will provide a conceptual overview of web services, the components of a web services-based system, and a development methodology.  The presenters will then describe where and how web services could apply to and improve government and industry business processes.  Finally, the presentation will review lessons learned from the use of web services in real-world, complex GIS projects, including a project being developed by the USAttorney's Office for a regional crime analysis and mapping system.

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