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P. MELAS President, BRPH, Inc., Architects - Engineers, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina George is an architect with extensive executive and leadership experience; He is President of BRPH Inc. a facilities planning, architectural and engineering services firm. George is highly experienced in the areas of consulting, design and construction with over 22 years experience in the USA and overseas (Europe and Middle East). George has a successful record of business development, consulting, design and construction services. He has formed and managed diversified professional teams while setting and achieving aggressive sales and operational goals for over $100M in design/build services and design revenue. He is experienced in many building types including high-tech, institutional, educational, healthcare, telecommunications, laboratories, R&D, retail, industrial and transportation facilities. George has been involved with professional societies having led the successful continuing education programs (monthly lecture series) for the American Institute of Architects in Atlanta, GA for three years. He has served as Chapter officer and is presently the Chairperson of the annual convention in Savannah GA. In addition George has performed public speaking on topics of interest at GA Tech, US Corps of Engineers and IFMA. George is a member of The American Institute of Architects, Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors, Cobb County Chamber is a Board member of the Atlanta Dogwood Festival and a member of The Global Real Estate Network in Atlanta, GA. CREDENTIALS Master of Business Administration (MBA) – Southern Methodist University - Edwin L. Cox School of Business, Dallas, Texas – Graduated with Honors. Master of Science in Architecture - University of Bristol - Bristol, U.K. Diploma of Architecture - Ecole Speciale d’Architecture, Paris, France MICHAEL E. CHANG Georgia Tech Dr. Michael E. Chang is a senior research scientist in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. His research focuses on the complexity of the urban and regional environment, and how nature, technology, economics, and culture lead to both environmental problems and solutions. In the past, Dr. Chang was an air quality modeler with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division; and prior to that, he was an aerospace engineer at the McDonnell Douglas Corporation (now Boeing). He holds degrees in atmospheric chemistry (MS, Ph.D.), environmental policy (MS), and aerospace engineering (BAE) all from Georgia Tech. He lives in Peachtree City, GA with his wife and two children. ERIC HILLERBRAND Nimble Media Eric Hillerbrand, Ph.D. is a cognitive psychologist with a background in description logics and semantic frameworks. Dr. Hillerbrand completed his Ph.D. by utilizing semantic technologies to understand how experts make decisions. He worked with Delphi Technologies to create a decision support system for healthcare professionals to assist in health management. He served as Executive Director of Kara Rehabilitation, an outpatient healthcare treatment company that utilized decision support systems to aid in treatment planning. He was Chairman and CEO of HealthExchange.com which was a company that utilized semantic technologies for benefits administration, e-commerce and disease mangagement solutions. Following the sale of HealthExchange, Dr. Hillerbrand was VP of Product Development with Claimsnet.com in which he worked on data integration technologies in healthcare. Following Claimsnet.com, Dr. Hillerbrand was a founder of Enleague Systems, a new product technology company funded by the Coca-Cola Company, that delivered next-generation marketing technologies based on semantic technologies. Dr. Hillerbrand has worked with Deloitte & Touche in deploying semantic technologies for use with hand held devices and data solutions. Most recently, Dr. Hillerbrand is founder and President of Nimble Media, a semantic web company deploying data integration technologies designed for marketing and customer support. MICHAEL LANNING Managing Director, The DPV Group, LLC Michael Lanning is an author, consultant, and lecturer based in Atlanta. He started his career in Brand Management for Procter & Gamble, then was a strategy consultant for McKinsey & Company, where he first created the concepts, and coined the phrases, “Value Proposition” and “Value Delivery System.” He later wrote the definitive book on Value Propositions, Delivering Profitable Value (Perseus Books). His work and his firm help managers develop creative, breakthrough business strategies, with a focus on discovering major strategic insights by deeply studying what customers actually do, rather than asking them what they want. Over the past 17 years he and his firm have provided consulting and executive education to firms worldwide, in N. America, Europe, Australia, SE Asia, and China, in many industries, including high-technology (hardware, software, telecomms), chemicals, forest products, electrical equipment and lighting, construction materials, transportation, financial services, consumer imaging, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, consumer beverages, and others. In most recent years, Mike and his firm’s work and research have uncovered important new opportunities to: a) improve growth-related innovation in B2B relationships; and b) create new total-market growth by inspiring dramatic changes in the behaviors of end-users. His and the group’s work is increasingly focused on helping client organizations fundamentally transform their capabilities for generating truly breakthrough growth. Michael graduated with a BA in Math from Columbia (NYC), after studying Humanities at Reed College (Portland) and History at University of Warwick (Coventry). He lives with his family and dog Humphrey in Atlanta, where the group’s Main Office is located. MICHAEL WORKMAN Florida State University Michael (Ph.D. Georgia State University) is a professor of information systems at Florida State University. He came to academic life with a twenty-two year career history in the computer industry, where he began as a software engineer, then moved into management. Reflecting on problems he faced while working in the industry, his research area investigates how to exploit technologies, tasks, and human factors to improve how well people work. Incorporating Banduras social cognitive theory, Michael examines how human perceptions and technologies interact and affect performance, particularly in team-based work. |
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