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SULLIVAN Consultant, Former Sr. VP of WORLDSPAN JONATHAN S. GORDON J S Gordon & Associates, Inc. In December, 2001, Mr. Jonathan Gordon retired from the Atlanta Police Department as Deputy Chief of Police. He has conducted training seminars for the: International Association of Chiefs of Police, The FBI National Academy, The Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police, British Ministry of Defense, The Israel National Police He has worked with the Olympic security forces of: Barcelona, Spain; Lillihammer, Norway; Sydney, Australia; Salt Lake City, Utah; Athens, Greece; Beijing, China Mr. Gordon was the Atlanta Police Department’s lead planner for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games and is currently a member of the Beijing-Olympic Food Safety Expert Committee. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Brennau College and a Masters of Business Administration from Georgia State University. MARCELO OLIVEIRA Project Director, GeoStats Marcelo joined GeoStats as a Project Manager in early 2002. He has more than seven years of experience in the areas of GIS, GPS applications in transportation, and database-driven transportation applications. Marcelo has developed GIS-based tools for managing urban traffic control systems, for performing traffic impact evaluation, and for providing traveler information across the Internet. His responsibilities at GeoStats focus on project management and software design and development. Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2002 M.S., Civil Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2001 M.S., Transportation Engineering, PET/COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil, 1997 B.S., Civil Engineering, UFC, Brazil, 199 JOE TRAVIS Senior GIS Applications Engineer, Autodesk, Inc. Joe has been an Application Engineer with Autodesk for 6 years. Overall he has over 12 years of GIS and mapping experience from his work at civil engineering firms, electric utilities and field inventory mapping companies. His background is in field data capture, data processing with a variety of GIS and GPS software programs, and returning accurate data for distribution via the Web or on a handheld device. His presentations encompass his real world experience with a variety of datasets depicting the workflow of geographic information. |
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