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F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 0 6 |
ANDERSON GIS Manager, Department of Environment and Community Development, Fulton County, GA Carl develops and directs the implementation of enterprise-centric GIS applications for decision support of development services, public works, public safety (emergency management, police, fire, 911), tax assessors, tax commissioners, and other departments. He initiated web based applications using both Open Source or proprietary software, including interactive map tools for tax, GPS monuments, zoning and future land use queries, and annexation history. He directs a staff of seventeen GIS specialists in E&CD and assists and coordinates other GIS specialists in the Tax Assessors Office and General Services. Carl has to contributed to and utilized Open Source projects over the past 12+ years. He has contributed to GIS/remote sensing, database, web scripting, web hosting projects; serves on several URISA standard setting committees Carl has worked for Fulton County for the past fifteen years. He is been involved with the Georgia Speleological Survey and the Tennessee and Alabama Cave Surveys in both cartographic and archival roles. ERIC McRAE Georgia GIS Data Clearinghouse Eric McRae is currently serving as an Associate Director with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government. He is the Director of the Information Technology Outreach Services Division (ITOS). He has been with ITOS for over 10 years where he has managed multiple local, state, national and international GIS projects and initiatives. He is currently also serving as the Chair of the State of Georgia GIS Coordinating Committee. STEVEN D. WILLIAMS GIS Manager, City of Atlanta Steve worked for Carl Anderson for 6 years and is now the GIS Manager for the City of Atlanta, Department of Planning and Community Development; leading the City's effort to developed a comprehensive enterprise GIS system. |
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