800 OND EPD sessions

Executive presence is a the critical skill for rising leaders in the 4.0 Economy. A Forbes survey of 268 senior executives reported that executive presence accounts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted. For most executives, the lack of sufficient executive presence is the weakest part of their personal capabilities. Science tells us that 93% of communication is not what you say, but rather how you say it. Executive Presence Development (EPD) squarely addresses this 93%. The 93% is targeted at 4 dimensions: eyes, face, body, and voice. EPD is about removing dysfunction from eyes, face, body, and voice.

EPD by OND involves immediate stop-go coaching. We stop the student immediately upon seeing a dysfunction and eliminate it before we go any further. We work with the student until that dysfunction is gone. We create video “Dysfunction Clips” that show the student exactly what we are working to eliminate and why it is important. We also use “Brilliance Clips” to show a student what they look like and sound like when the dysfunction is gone. The combination of Dysfunction Clips and Brilliance Clips are extremely motivating. Each executive's executive presence is developed in a way consistent with their Intellect. In short, EPD works to make executive presence an executive's strongest asset rather than their weakest link.

Most of EPD videos below are protected by passwords for internal use only.
Only those few in red frames are not password protected, so far.

EPD - Executive Presence Development

Todd Dudich, EPD3
Dana Ezell, EPD3 Orlando Evans, EPD3 Todd Dudich, EPD2 Dana Ezell, EPD2 Orlando Evans, EPD2
Jason Wiggam, EPD4 Jason Wiggam, EPD3 Todd Dudich, EPD1 Dana Ezell, EPD1 Orlando Evans, EPD1
Carol Allums, EPD1 Dyane Cunningham, EPD1 Jeanie Enyart, EPD1 Devin Gordin, EPD1 Bob Graff, EPD1
Jan Heath, EPD1 Lee Highsmith, EPD1 Kim Powell, EPD1 Harold Tarpley, EPD1 Bill Traynham, EPD1
Graylin Ward, EPD1 Bomi Kim EPD2 AJ.Campalong EPD2 AJ.Campalong EPD3 AJ.Campalong EPD4
AJ.Campalong EPD5 Bomi Kim EPD1 AJ.Campalong EPD1 Austin Dailey EPD5
Austin Dailey EPD4 Jason Wiggam EPD2
Austin Dailey EPD3 Austin Dailey EPD2 Austin Dailey EPD1 Jason Wiggam EPD1 Luke Harren EPD2
Luke Harren EPD1 Task-Us all EPDs Tony Phillips EPD3 Tony Phillips EPD2 Tony Phillips EPD1
Kevin Hodges EPD-Comp Kevin Hodges EPD5 Kevin Hodges EPD4 Kevin Hodges EPD3 Kevin Hodges EPD2
Kevin Hodges EPD1 Lawrence Andre EPD1 Beth Barocca-Pitts EPD1 Rodrigo Cruz EPD1 Byron Thomas EPD1
David Walters EPD1 Rodrigo Cruz Sermon Beth Barocca-P…Sermon Byron Thomas Sermon 20 EPD sessions
David Blackwood EPD1 Larry Anderson EPD1 Ertem Osmanoglu EPD5 Ertem Osmanoglu EPD4 Ertem Osmanoglu EPD3
Ertem Osmanoglu EPD2 Ertem Osmanoglu EPD1 Eileen Brown EPD5 Eileen Brown EPD4 Eileen Brown EPD3
Eileen Brown EPD2 Eileen Brown EPD1 Alex Goldman EPD Greg Becker EPD Katie Lafiandra EPD
Jarrod Johnson EPD Steve Church EPD5 Steve Church EPD4 Steve Church EPD3 Steve Church EPD2
Steve Church EPD1 Rob Patton EPD4 Rob Patton EPD3 Rob Patton EPD2 Rob Patton EPD1